Benefits Of Using A Consultant


Keeps your SEO and PPC activities in house

Outsourced Costs

Keeps outsourced costs down. Using a consultant can be over 50% cheaper than outsourcing

Search Marketing Strategy

Brings in significant experience to drive forward the search marketing strategy without having to pay the big bucks to place someone in house.

All in all it is one of the most effective ways of delivering results on an efficient budget.

If you are unsure of the benefits search engines can deliver businesses then these statistics will help:

  • 95% of consumers use the internet in the buying process
  • Over 80% use a search engine at some stage within the buying process
  • If you aren’t visible on the search engines, predominantly Google, then you either need to outsource your SEO or PPC, or you need a consultant to device and help manage a successful search marketing strategy.
  • At Blue Ocean Search we are very passionate about our partnerships and how we can use relationships to drive forward our clients’ marketing strategies.


  • Want to increase traffic from nothing to 5,000 visitors per day?
  • Increase conversions and conversion rate by 50%
  • Increase the visibility on search engines by ranking for 200% more keywords?
  • Increase the rankings on your generic keywords from nowhere to page one?
  • These are all achievements that our staff have accomplished and through our consultancy service. We can consult with you to do the same thing.
  • The main consultancy services we offer are SEO Consultancy and Social Media Consultancy.
  • The search marketing consultancy is spearheaded by Geoff Parker and his experience speaks for itself. If you want 8 years of search marketing experience to help you achieve better results online then contact us today.


Geoff from Blue Ocean Search approached me at the beginning of 2013 saying we could get better value for our SEO if we used his consultancy service. We were spending £4,000 per month with a large SEO firm and despite the high fee we were still punished for poor links. Blue Ocean Search have significantly reduced our SEO cost whilst helping us establish a team in house that is self sufficient. Geoff visits us monthly and spends a day with the team improving the SEO work we deliver ourselves each month.
Marketing VP for leading UK Distribution company

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