We build websites for small to medium sized businesses.

There are many website designers out there are we don’t profess to be any better than them. However, we do have some key selling points which makes our website design service different to the competition.

A Website for £999

We believe our website offering is the best in the market for it’s price point and what you get. For £999 you get

1. An initial consultation
2. The website design and any amendments
3. Fully coded website
4. An initial test site creation
5. Blog created on site
6. SEO functionality
7. all branding and designs included.

You also get to keep the intellectual property of the website, including the designs and the code.
Please note that ecommerce functionality, plugins and logo design are additional costs and features.

Website Built with SEO

We are first and foremost an SEO and PPC provider, focused on maximising your website’s visibility through search engines. So, when we build a website, we want to include the functionality and grounding to give your website the best chance of success in the search engines.

Our Websites will come with

1. Meta tags for the homepage and functionality in the back end to set title, description and keyword tags.
2. Optimised URL structures for increased indexing
3. A Blog
4. Optimised header tags for the homepage
5. Footer links including HTML and XML sitemaps to increase search engine spiders with navigation
6. A one off starter package of targeted and high quality directories
7. Social media links to your social media profiles

Our Portfolio

Have a look at our recent website examples

Free Consultancy

We begin the process of building your website but providing a free consultation. We will sit down with you and map out what it is you want to include in the website. This will include the design, logo, colours, layout, functionality, text, number of pages and anything bespoke you want to include.

We want to be clear exactly what you want as part of the website build. From this we can scope out the project exactly and give clear indications of any additional time needed to create bespoke elements.

Design Stage

We create three different design themes for you to choose from. You have the option to select your favourite. Once approved we will build the rest of the website.

Delivered in 3 weeks

Where we receive sign off from you of the design in 24 hours we can complete the website within 3 weeks, including the SEO. We will provide the website access once complete for you to populate the site with text and images.

Other Extras

If you require any additional functionality on the website we can accommodate it. You may want plugins such as calendars, or widgets. We can advise on costs and timescales for any of these bespoke needs.

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