Geoff Parker

About Geoff Parker

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So far Geoff Parker has created 90 entries.

blog post

By |October 11th, 2016|

blog post text

What Makes A Good Search Engine Optimiser?

By |January 29th, 2016|

Knowledge and expertise are extremely important when it comes to SEO but there are certain intangible qualities which are great to possess.

Dedication: individuals who commit to their company and clients are people who really thrive to succeed and that will have the passion for SEO
Communicator: People who are great at communicating are usually great […]

Google panda announced as part of the core ranking algorithm

By |January 22nd, 2016|

One of Google’s most important algorithms Google Panda was officially announced as part of the core ranking algorithm. Jennifer Slegg posted a guide around the panda update that included a statement:

Panda is an algorithm that’s applied to sites overall and has become one of our core ranking signals. It measures the quality of a […]

Search Trends That Will Influence Online Income In 2016

By |January 5th, 2016|

Links Will Still Be In the Spotlight

The next penguin update is due to hit in the next few weeks. The update has promised to clean link struggles that have been affecting websites since the last update. This update is impending and has many people on their feet wondering about the impacts it will have […]

What Makes a Link Bad?

By |December 17th, 2015|


After comments by Google’s John Mueller the in general link building is a strategy to avoid, many SEO practitioners have stopped using the practice in order to flock to a more natural and safer form of link building involving thoroughly researched content.

What exactly makes a bad link in the eyes of Google and how […]

Cortana Comes To iOS & Android

By |December 11th, 2015|

Microsoft’s Cortana digital assistant only for Windows? Now iOS and Android users can use it, too. Microsoft announced the news on its blog about both the android and iOS version. Both are only available for those in the US and China. For Apple, you will need to run iOS 8 and above. For Android, you […]